Workshops & Programs
Resuscitation Academy training workshops & programs to help improve cardiac arrest survival rates
Sustainable change starts here.
The Resuscitation Academy offers training workshops and programs to help communities improve survival from cardiac arrest.
From free instructional events and do-it-yourself resources to hands-on quality improvement consultative initiatives, we strive to present a balance of medical science, educational efficiency and local implementation experience.
Resuscitation Academy faculty and consulting partners are hand-picked for their demonstrated experience leading complex improvements across multiple departments within their communities.
Leadership Workshop
The flagship Resuscitation Academy workshop introduces EMS leaders to the 10 steps for improving survival from cardiac arrest, including establishing a registry, telephone CPR, high-performance CPR and more.
Duration: 2 days
Contact: Tegan Hampton and Read the FAQ
Interested in learning how to perform HP-CPR? Workshop attendees learn about the science behind how it succeeds, break down and practice every element of HP-CPR, and review metrics (rate, depth, recoil, ventilation, and chest compression fraction) so they feel confident using HP-CPR during their next resuscitation.
Duration: 4 hours
Contact: Tegan Hampton and Read the FAQ
This workshop trains individuals to conduct an effective High-Performance CPR course, with an emphasis on teaching CPR metrics, assessing performance and providing feedback. After attending the course, participants feel confident teaching HP-CPR in their communities.
Duration: 6 hours
Contact: Tegan Hampton and Read the FAQ
Cardiac Arrest System Self-Assessment (FREE PROGRAM)
This interactive tool guides EMS systems through 30 questions, and produces a detailed report to start a conversation in your community on improving OHCA survival rates.
Duration: 30 minutes
Contact: Ann Doll
We’ve joined forces with the American Heart Association and Laerdal Medical to further our shared mission of increasing survival from cardiac arrest. RQI Partners’ solutions are designed to strengthen the entire chain of survival, from digital delivery of CPR certification training to T-CPR and EMS teams’ HP-CPR quality improvement.