Resuscitation Academy Leadership Workshop
2 days
Seattle, WA
Who should attend?
911 Center Directors
Medical Directors
EMS Chiefs
Quality Improvement Managers
Training Officers
Topics covered:
Cardiac arrest registry
Telephone CPR
High Performance CPR
Rapid dispatch
Measurement of professional resuscitation
AED for first responders
Smart technologies for CPR and AED
Mandatory training for CPR and AED
Establishing a culture of excellence
Implementation of best practices and change management
The flagship Resuscitation Academy workshop introduces EMS leaders to the 10 steps for improving survival from cardiac arrest.
Learn from renowned faculty with experience in leading successful resuscitation improvement programs, network with leaders from EMS systems from around the world, and gain access to comprehensive support materials.
Registration details:
Currently, the Resuscitation Academy Leadership Workshop is by invitation only. Preference is given to organizations that send representatives from their complete Chain of Survival (such as a Medical Director, EMS Chief and Comms Center Manager) and commit to implementing a quality improvement program upon their return home.
Contact Tegan Hampton for more information.